Package com.hiddenswitch.spellsource.draft

package com.hiddenswitch.spellsource.draft
Contains code that implements the drafting mechanic in Spellsource.

Drafting is the process of building a deck from a series of irreversible choices of cards. A typical draft starts with select a champion, followed by choosing one of three cards randomly drawn from the collection until a GameLogic.MAX_DECK_SIZE deck is built. This process is implemented in the DraftLogic, which delegates the choices to DraftBehaviour.

PrivateDraftState contains the cards that are going to be shown to the user and should remain secret, to prevent the user from cheating. The PublicDraftState contains the current state of the draft.

The net package contains code that actually sends requests to a networked Unity client and maintains the state of the draft over the user's lifetime.